
EWB Water Project in Rwanda

In this project I paticipated in the Engineering design process for the construction of a water distribution system in the rural community of Rubona Rwanda, right outside of the capital of the country, Kigali. I had the opportunity to travel to Rwanda Summer 2023 for two weeks to implement Phase 1 of our system.During this project, I designed and modeled the water system, surveyed and assessed future feasibility, and explained our project to community members. The cultural immersion and professional work was incredibly impactful. To read further on this trip, click here.

Creating Jeykll Static Site

This site itself is a testament to my programming skills and ability to learn independently. I created this site using GitHub Pages hosting and the Jekyll static site generator. I learned how to use DNS hosting, HTML/CSS/JavaScript, and the Jekyll interface, while also developing confidence in learning new languages and interfaces. To read on how I specifically built this site, click here

Weather Balloon

I designed, built, and launched a weather balloon to measure atmospheric data. In this project, I built my own data recorder using an Arduino and several sensors. I built off of an existing code base, rewriting the NEMA parser to work with my GPS unit. I also designed the weather balloon, calculating weight and lift and designing for high atmospheric conditions. Through this project I developed my C coding skills and engineering ability. To read more click here.